This past week I had an idea…I’ve been reading through the gospels and ended up on Mark 16 – the story of Jesus going to the cross. And as I was reading it – images just kept forming in my mind, mostly of the intense emotions behind what was happening at that time and what these different people must have been going through spiritually - trying to believe that Jesus really is who He says He is...even though He is about to die, watching Him give in and just wanting Him to prove Himself, standing in Pilate's shoes - being pressured to sentence Him while believing He isn't wrong, or - like the moment right after He dies and the curtain is torn and ground shakes - realizing that He was who He said He was...and it looks like its too late. its really incredible stuff! because then 3 days later He did the impossible...amazing.
And I felt really inspired to get these images out on paper – and create kind of a visual telling of the story leading up to the cross (which I shortly after learned is kind of similar to the stations of the cross…just a few different events). And not just the events but the intensity behind them.
But then I had a thought – how cool would it be to make it a group effort? To give different members of the team different parts of the story and have them really dig into that passage – not just take it at face value, but read it and feel what was happening at the time. What would it have been like to be there? what does it make you feel? What does it teach you? etc…
So we passed out sections of the story – and our team is interesting because there are SO many different gifts. Everyone has different things that stand out, which means that people are at different experience levels when it comes to painting/drawing/etc. :) so a few people were definitely overwhelmed and some people just jumped right in. we got to talk to mostly everybody and start to form some ideas.
It’s new…its something we haven’t really done. and we opened it up – the different parts can be drawn, painted, written words, whatever will get the idea across – however God leads. And, for me at least, it’s a really cool way to dig into scripture and make it personal- I pray that it does the same for the team. It makes me get inside it and not just read it as a story or as facts – but makes it real. And different parts of the story teach so many different things that you would never get if you just read it through once.
So we’re still working on it and I am really excited to see us work together and just get past what we THINK we can do – and let God do it. He knows what our gifts are and He knows how to use them. Its so easy to just say – oh, well I cant do that. I’m not good at that – and that will for sure be true if we never try it! but what if we miss something amazing, just because we assume we can’t do what we’ve seen others do? so many times we look at things other people have done and say – “oh, I cant do that…” and you’re right – you cant. That’s their gift. you aren’t supposed to do what they can do – if we all had the same gift and could do everything ourselves – why would we ever rely on each other? God didn’t create one kind of gift. He created unique ones…so don’t get discouraged by what you can’t do. and don’t NOT do something just because you don’t think you can do it just like someone else. Try it. be sure that you’re taking time with just you and God- let Him mold you and show you what He can do through you. you will not be the greatest at some things, and that’s fine. But somewhere along the way - He’ll probably surprise you…;)
He’s creative-
See what He can do…
Monday, March 28, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
what Jesus prays for...
ok, so i don't know if i've never really read this before or if God's just opening my eyes to it in a new way...but i have been reading through the gospels - doing a little prep work for an art project we're going to work on as a team...and i read this prayer. its Jesus talking to His Father, in preparation for going to the cross, right before He goes to the garden...and all i can say is that if you have EVER doubted that Jesus loves YOU specifically and individually as well as the rest of His people - read this. its from John, and really look at what Jesus asks for - and see Jesus' heart in it...
“I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they [my disciples] may have the full measure of my joy within them. I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.
“My prayer is not for them [my disciples] alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their [my disciples’] message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
“Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.
“Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”
John 17:13-26
He doesnt reach out to you over and over again because He has to - He wants us to know the same love that God has for His Son...
who are we to say no to that?
“I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they [my disciples] may have the full measure of my joy within them. I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.
“My prayer is not for them [my disciples] alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their [my disciples’] message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
“Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.
“Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”
John 17:13-26
He doesnt reach out to you over and over again because He has to - He wants us to know the same love that God has for His Son...
who are we to say no to that?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
oh those little things...
so Pastor Ivan preached at Edinbrook on sunday and he talked about bondage. about how our sin becomes our bondage - tying us up and holding us back.
but how? it seems so OBVIOUS...dont allow yourself to be tied up, right?
but sin is tricky...the devil is tricky. and something that's been on my heart a lot lately is the truth of who satan really is. one of the things PI brought up is how the devil wants to steal, kill and destroy us. thats it. that is its goal while he has time left on this earth.
revelation 12:12 tells us -
rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea,
because the devil has gone down to you!
He is filled with fury,
because he knows that his time is short.
he knows he doesnt have all the time in the world and he knows he will never win - so he is going to take anyone and everyone he can down with him, whatever he has to do.
and PI talked about how we get in our heads that we can manage our sin. like if we only do it a little bit - oh if i only watch this movie, or if i only gossip a little bit, or if i just go this far this one time......
we're basically saying "satan, sure - ok, i'll let you in BUT only a little tiny bit - and then you have to leave..."
sounds manageable, right? however - satan doesn't play by the rules.
one thing i want to say -
Jesus cares about you. He LOVES you. He cares enough to love you no matter what you do or how many times you mess up. He cares enough to do everything He can to give you life, without forcing you to love Him back. He leaves it up to you - all He needs is your heart, and for you to let Him work in you. to let Him free you.
satan does not and never will care about you. he will lie to you over and over again. and he doesnt care what happens as long as he can get you away from Jesus. and all he needs is an open door, even if its just a crack. and he can force his way in...he's not going to stand there and wait for an invitation to make himself at home, and he most likely isn't going to ask for our permission to stay.
so how do we keep him out?
step into God's arms and close any doors that have been opened to satan.
for good.
yes, its hard- he makes it look so fun and it seems harmless most of the time. i mean - we'll only do it to a point where we can still control it, right? so its fine!
imagine standing on a mountain...and you decide you want to keep a certain rock, you know - as a souvenir or something.
you can see this particular rock seems to be holding a lot of other (bigger) rocks in their places - but still...its just one, right? and you want it. besides - you'll be careful, and if any fall - well you'll handle it.
so you pick it up and start to walk away.
and all the other rocks begin to fall...............
are you going to tell those boulders to stop? quick explain that you only wanted the little one?
regardless of what any of us would try to do in that situation - we would not be able to stop those rocks from falling, we would not survive that on our own. its just not possible.
same goes for our open doors...we may not intend for satan to come in and stay, we might have just wanted to try a little but things have gotten out of control.
bad news - you cant fix it yourself. good news - God can. and He will.
we just have to turn our backs on satan and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
He is the ONLY truth, and He wants only the very best for us...
John 10 says
the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy...
but i come that you may have life and have it abundantly
dont settle for taking a little rock when you can overcome the whole mountain.
i dont know if you have ever heard of Lecrae (if you know most likely have...haha) but he is a christian rapper and i just really love his lyrics. he works a lot of scripture into his songs and actually more than one of our dramas/videos have been inspired by a Lecrae song.
anyways - i recommend his music. :)
this particular song has been an encouragement to me - just reminding me what sin really is...and helping to keep me focused - no matter how good satan makes it look in that moment.
because no matter what he offers - its not Jesus.
so listen to the song and read the lyrics. and ask God to free you from any bondage you might be stuck in... because like i have said SO many times before on this blog...we. have. the. VICTORY in Christ!!! and nothing can take that away from us.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
He said it, He'll do it...
hello friends :) do you like the new layout and design? :) sarah spent some time on it and did an amazing job...she's so so good at this stuff. love love love it.
i just want to share some encouragement today...
this morning at church we sang the song Our God by chris tomlin.
it says -
"Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, God - You are higher than any other..."
and then goes on to say...
"and if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? and if our God is with us, then who could stand against?"
and lately i have been struggling with trusting God for a few things that He's promised I give God an easy out........."ya know, maybe God didn't mean He's gonna do that right away...maybe He'll just tell me something. or maybe i'm just hearing wrong, or maybe......" -basically lowering if by some chance what i'm expecting to happen - doesn't...i won't be disappointed. i mean - what if God's wrong? then what do i do?
does that make sense?
and i kind of just came to a place where i settled for that. logic says that what God told me probably won't happen - so i'm just not gonna put that much pressure on Him...
however...this morning while singing that song all of a sudden i felt God there with me and He was saying - sing those words. mean them. "Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, God YOU are HIGHER than any other."
and then i just pictured Him standing there with a look on His face showing He knows that nothing can ever be greater than Him...and He said "you know what I told you. and if I said it would happen - who can say that it won't? I AM the Lord. I said it, I can do it."
what a cool promise!
so if you are hearing some crazy promises from God and are tempted to brush them off - just in case God can't actually pull it off...dont.
take what He says to heart, expect big things and raise your expectations so that He can exceed them.
He says in 2 Corinthians - "no heart of man has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him..."
and a couple verses from Isaiah 51 v. 12-15...
I, even I, am he who comforts you.
Who are you that you fear mere mortals,
human beings who are but grass,
that you forget the LORD your Maker,
who stretches out the heavens
and who lays the foundations of the earth,
that you live in constant terror every day
because of the wrath of the oppressor,
who is bent on destruction?
For where is the wrath of the oppressor?
The cowering prisoners will soon be set free;
they will not die in their dungeon,
nor will they lack bread.
For I am the LORD your God,
who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—
the LORD Almighty is his name.
Only He knows how to move and stir the waves so that they ROAR with every ounce of their full potential...Only He knows how to move and stir in you so that you fulfill the plan he laid out for that you IMPACT (in the full meaning of the word) people for His kingdom...
if God says it, He can do it.
He will do it.
no other opinions matter.
i just want to share some encouragement today...
this morning at church we sang the song Our God by chris tomlin.
it says -
"Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, God - You are higher than any other..."
and then goes on to say...
"and if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? and if our God is with us, then who could stand against?"
and lately i have been struggling with trusting God for a few things that He's promised I give God an easy out........."ya know, maybe God didn't mean He's gonna do that right away...maybe He'll just tell me something. or maybe i'm just hearing wrong, or maybe......" -basically lowering if by some chance what i'm expecting to happen - doesn't...i won't be disappointed. i mean - what if God's wrong? then what do i do?
does that make sense?
and i kind of just came to a place where i settled for that. logic says that what God told me probably won't happen - so i'm just not gonna put that much pressure on Him...
however...this morning while singing that song all of a sudden i felt God there with me and He was saying - sing those words. mean them. "Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, God YOU are HIGHER than any other."
and then i just pictured Him standing there with a look on His face showing He knows that nothing can ever be greater than Him...and He said "you know what I told you. and if I said it would happen - who can say that it won't? I AM the Lord. I said it, I can do it."
what a cool promise!
so if you are hearing some crazy promises from God and are tempted to brush them off - just in case God can't actually pull it off...dont.
take what He says to heart, expect big things and raise your expectations so that He can exceed them.
He says in 2 Corinthians - "no heart of man has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him..."
and a couple verses from Isaiah 51 v. 12-15...
I, even I, am he who comforts you.
Who are you that you fear mere mortals,
human beings who are but grass,
that you forget the LORD your Maker,
who stretches out the heavens
and who lays the foundations of the earth,
that you live in constant terror every day
because of the wrath of the oppressor,
who is bent on destruction?
For where is the wrath of the oppressor?
The cowering prisoners will soon be set free;
they will not die in their dungeon,
nor will they lack bread.
For I am the LORD your God,
who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—
the LORD Almighty is his name.
Only He knows how to move and stir the waves so that they ROAR with every ounce of their full potential...Only He knows how to move and stir in you so that you fulfill the plan he laid out for that you IMPACT (in the full meaning of the word) people for His kingdom...
if God says it, He can do it.
He will do it.
no other opinions matter.
Friday, March 18, 2011
bubble gum, bubble gum...stan!
Oh Thursdays…..they are never boring. Haha last night – we spent some time reading/thinking about Mark 10:51 -52. A blind man is crying out to Jesus and Jesus hears, turns, looks at the blind man and asks… “What do you want me to do for you?”
And that question just stuck with me…imagine Jesus not just taking all your problems – but asking you what you want Him to do for you. This man knew what he needed. He was aware of what was holding him back. So when Jesus asks – he’s ready with an answer.
So I was thinking…what if Jesus asked me that? what do I want Him to do for me? what is in my heart that is hindering my ministry? what is in my heart that keeps me from doing what He wants me to? What do I want Him to do for me?
And as I was thinking about this – I realized that Jesus was there, waiting for my answer. like whatever I said, He was ready to listen. and things kept coming to mind – but I would think about them and before I would actually form the statement for Him, He would stop me and tell me that that wasn’t the heart issue. That was the easy fix. And so I spent some time trying to find the heart issues…the things that He wanted – needed – to change in order for me to do His ministry.
And I was just reminded of the power behind asking things of Jesus. Because if we ask, if we really ask from the place deep in our hearts that wants nothing more than to bring God glory – He’ll do it. are we ready for Him to give us what we’re asking?
In the next verse – the man asks Jesus to give Him sight. And Jesus says “go – your faith has healed you.”
Amazing. If we are willing to look inside, willing to find those heart issues holding us back – and then acknowledge them enough to bring them before God and be willing to let Him take them…we will be healed.
And then who knows what will happen from there???
The last part of the verse says “and the man regained his sight and accompanied Jesus on His journey.”
Once we have faith, we can be healed…once we’re healed, we can just join Jesus on His journey – nothing holding us back. Crazy stuff people…but so so so good. and so worth not missing.
So that was devo time. Then we went downstairs and did some arting…:) we busted out the art supplies and played some music and sarah asked some questions to make those creative minds think… and we kind of arted our testimonies. Very cool. We thought about who God is to us. and then a situation God has brought us through. And then a way He is bringing us closer to Him now. And a few people shared…really beautiful stuff. and I don’t think we’ll ever get sick of hearing how God is working in this group…its so so great.
And then we moved to the studio and played some games. First – improv game where they start a scene and then as they go – they have to pick up some words that they haven’t seen before and incorporate the word into what they are doing. It is usually pretty entertaining…haha :)
And then we played another game called Assassin…which apparently is not really a game – because no one wins. Haha but they like it.
And then our time was over, but they wanted to play a little game called hug tag. And I will say – I don’t know that I have ever regretted not having a video camera more…me and sarah were just watching…and dying. So funny. And to choose who was “it” – they put all their feet in the middle and joe played “bubble gum, bubble gum…” I have not heard that in prb 15 yrs. And then they played hug tag…I cant even explain it. its just funny. and instead of just having the standard "it"...we called that person "stan". why? not sure...
So another night of ALIVE…we’re taking advantage of this little break in between things, but we’ll have to start working again – we have a few new fun ideas…;) and we also started working on a new Project this week! So fun…its looking really cool so far.
Hope you are all having a good week!!! :)
And that question just stuck with me…imagine Jesus not just taking all your problems – but asking you what you want Him to do for you. This man knew what he needed. He was aware of what was holding him back. So when Jesus asks – he’s ready with an answer.
So I was thinking…what if Jesus asked me that? what do I want Him to do for me? what is in my heart that is hindering my ministry? what is in my heart that keeps me from doing what He wants me to? What do I want Him to do for me?
And as I was thinking about this – I realized that Jesus was there, waiting for my answer. like whatever I said, He was ready to listen. and things kept coming to mind – but I would think about them and before I would actually form the statement for Him, He would stop me and tell me that that wasn’t the heart issue. That was the easy fix. And so I spent some time trying to find the heart issues…the things that He wanted – needed – to change in order for me to do His ministry.
And I was just reminded of the power behind asking things of Jesus. Because if we ask, if we really ask from the place deep in our hearts that wants nothing more than to bring God glory – He’ll do it. are we ready for Him to give us what we’re asking?
In the next verse – the man asks Jesus to give Him sight. And Jesus says “go – your faith has healed you.”
Amazing. If we are willing to look inside, willing to find those heart issues holding us back – and then acknowledge them enough to bring them before God and be willing to let Him take them…we will be healed.
And then who knows what will happen from there???
The last part of the verse says “and the man regained his sight and accompanied Jesus on His journey.”
Once we have faith, we can be healed…once we’re healed, we can just join Jesus on His journey – nothing holding us back. Crazy stuff people…but so so so good. and so worth not missing.
So that was devo time. Then we went downstairs and did some arting…:) we busted out the art supplies and played some music and sarah asked some questions to make those creative minds think… and we kind of arted our testimonies. Very cool. We thought about who God is to us. and then a situation God has brought us through. And then a way He is bringing us closer to Him now. And a few people shared…really beautiful stuff. and I don’t think we’ll ever get sick of hearing how God is working in this group…its so so great.
And then we moved to the studio and played some games. First – improv game where they start a scene and then as they go – they have to pick up some words that they haven’t seen before and incorporate the word into what they are doing. It is usually pretty entertaining…haha :)
And then we played another game called Assassin…which apparently is not really a game – because no one wins. Haha but they like it.
And then our time was over, but they wanted to play a little game called hug tag. And I will say – I don’t know that I have ever regretted not having a video camera more…me and sarah were just watching…and dying. So funny. And to choose who was “it” – they put all their feet in the middle and joe played “bubble gum, bubble gum…” I have not heard that in prb 15 yrs. And then they played hug tag…I cant even explain it. its just funny. and instead of just having the standard "it"...we called that person "stan". why? not sure...
So another night of ALIVE…we’re taking advantage of this little break in between things, but we’ll have to start working again – we have a few new fun ideas…;) and we also started working on a new Project this week! So fun…its looking really cool so far.
Hope you are all having a good week!!! :)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
No More - Video!
ok friends....thanks to the amazing clay erickson who spent the evening of MegaWednesday filming the event and spent the last week or so being annoyed by me for this video...;) - if you missed the No More drama, you can now see it!!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
and to continue with updates from the crazy week...Mega Wednesday pics! (video still to come...)

practice smashing...we were a little scared - but God protected the audience and (to our knowledge) no one was hurt...PTL.
one last rehearsal onstage before we get started!

practice smashing...we were a little scared - but God protected the audience and (to our knowledge) no one was hurt...PTL.
a laptop was also smashed and bottles of "pills" were thrown along with the mirror - all to illustrate destroying the things that Satan tries to use to hold us back. they are a visual for all the lies we COULD believe - but by the power of God, are choosing to conquer. and they no longer have power over us! through Jesus Christ - we are MORE than conquerors! :)

and........the demons. looking all tough.

cute angel! ;) one of the best parts of doing a drama like this is the hair and makeup...LOVE it. so much fun to be creative with.

and No turned out SO great! so fun to watch and so powerful. yay VICTORY!

and........the demons. looking all tough.

cute angel! ;) one of the best parts of doing a drama like this is the hair and makeup...LOVE it. so much fun to be creative with.

and No turned out SO great! so fun to watch and so powerful. yay VICTORY!
Ravaged...part 2
So like you saw in the last post – we’ve been a little busy! Haha…but its been so good (crazy and tiring) but so good. and SO worth it!!!
I don’t have a video of the No More drama – yet…but I do have a video of the one from Sunday is called Ravaged and you can watch it in the post below!
God totally gave us this script –starting with an idea from Erika and sitting down to write the script and recording it and working with part of the team to fine-tune it all…God just used so many ppl and gifts to put it all together and it turned out really well.
I think I wrote about it a little in an earlier post – but just to recap, the theme of the sermon was Ravaged…and how we let other people’s mistakes and bad choices rule over our lives.
And in this drama (but there are SO many different ways this happens in our lives) the girl was hurt by a friend. and she just can’t let it go. So we decide the solution (and we all do it…not in these literal ways probably…but we do it) is to just not think about the person – so we close off our minds. And we also won’t talk to them – to protect them of course…(?) – and we cut off our ability to share the Word or encourage. And then we decide its too hard to look at them and not get angry – so to prevent getting angrier and making God look bad…we decide we won’t see them. But that’s harder than just not seeing them, right? it means we can’t go where they are, we can’t do the things they're doing…EVEN if God is calling us to. And so on, so on. We TRAP ourselves and get so bound up – for our “protection”. So that we don’t get angry or say mean things or hurt anyone…but we end up making ourselves USELESS for God’s kingdom. How can we do anything for Him if we are limiting everything we are willing to do?
“sure, God – I’ll love people! Ooh…well actually I’ll love those ppl over here, because she’s over there and I just don’t want to think about that…”
i dont think that's what He had in mind…? and the only way to get past that and be free is if we FORGIVE. And LET GO. We need to…its so hard. SO hard. I had to let go of a lot of anger at one point in my life- it was absolutely what was holding me back from God…I didn’t think it would ever be possible but I prayed. One day I finally REALLY prayed that He would take it away…(not just a “ok, take it God” and then play tug’o’war with Him while He tries to take it but I still cling to it…yeah...not helpful) and I just remember the next time I had to face the situation that always stirred up this really crazy anger in me – it was gone. And I was AMAZED.
He totally changed my heart.
And it was SO freeing!!!!!!! We were SO not meant to be tied up. it does take a conscious decision not to let it back in my life – but its possible! so lets take off the chains, the handcuffs, the blindfold, and rip off that duct tape…it might hurt and it might be difficult – but think of all the things you can do and hear from God when you’re not hindered at all…
He is not thinking small when it comes to your life, so I absolutely believe that the small area of space around you you can reach while bound up is not the extent of what He is calling you to…
I don’t know what He’s calling us all to – but we’ll never know unless we get rid of all the stuff…
I don’t have a video of the No More drama – yet…but I do have a video of the one from Sunday is called Ravaged and you can watch it in the post below!
God totally gave us this script –starting with an idea from Erika and sitting down to write the script and recording it and working with part of the team to fine-tune it all…God just used so many ppl and gifts to put it all together and it turned out really well.
I think I wrote about it a little in an earlier post – but just to recap, the theme of the sermon was Ravaged…and how we let other people’s mistakes and bad choices rule over our lives.
And in this drama (but there are SO many different ways this happens in our lives) the girl was hurt by a friend. and she just can’t let it go. So we decide the solution (and we all do it…not in these literal ways probably…but we do it) is to just not think about the person – so we close off our minds. And we also won’t talk to them – to protect them of course…(?) – and we cut off our ability to share the Word or encourage. And then we decide its too hard to look at them and not get angry – so to prevent getting angrier and making God look bad…we decide we won’t see them. But that’s harder than just not seeing them, right? it means we can’t go where they are, we can’t do the things they're doing…EVEN if God is calling us to. And so on, so on. We TRAP ourselves and get so bound up – for our “protection”. So that we don’t get angry or say mean things or hurt anyone…but we end up making ourselves USELESS for God’s kingdom. How can we do anything for Him if we are limiting everything we are willing to do?
“sure, God – I’ll love people! Ooh…well actually I’ll love those ppl over here, because she’s over there and I just don’t want to think about that…”
i dont think that's what He had in mind…? and the only way to get past that and be free is if we FORGIVE. And LET GO. We need to…its so hard. SO hard. I had to let go of a lot of anger at one point in my life- it was absolutely what was holding me back from God…I didn’t think it would ever be possible but I prayed. One day I finally REALLY prayed that He would take it away…(not just a “ok, take it God” and then play tug’o’war with Him while He tries to take it but I still cling to it…yeah...not helpful) and I just remember the next time I had to face the situation that always stirred up this really crazy anger in me – it was gone. And I was AMAZED.
He totally changed my heart.
And it was SO freeing!!!!!!! We were SO not meant to be tied up. it does take a conscious decision not to let it back in my life – but its possible! so lets take off the chains, the handcuffs, the blindfold, and rip off that duct tape…it might hurt and it might be difficult – but think of all the things you can do and hear from God when you’re not hindered at all…
He is not thinking small when it comes to your life, so I absolutely believe that the small area of space around you you can reach while bound up is not the extent of what He is calling you to…
I don’t know what He’s calling us all to – but we’ll never know unless we get rid of all the stuff…
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
a busy weekend...
team update time!

and then saturday morning...8am - bright and early practice. started out really really great. we accomplished A LOT and got really far - and 3 hrs later we all were pretty tired out. but it really was amazing how much work they poured into this. that is a long practice early in the morning...and we decided to schedule one more practice for sunday afternoon...
then took about an hour to work on the drama that would be performed the next day for sunday morning service at Edinbrook...(so grateful that Abbie is so good at garageband...haha saved me quite a bit of time).
and then sarah and i and some of the team took a little field trip to find props for No More...not super productive...but still fun. haha and it ended with sarah and i going to walmart and getting supplies to make swords...did i ever expect to take a saturday afternoon/night with my friend sarah to make swords? no. haha but it was fun and they actually turned out pretty good! haha...who knew?
(quick sidenote) sunday MORNING one of our dramas was performed by Abbie, Austin, and Jordan (the latter two added at the very last minute) for both services. it was written for Pastor Ivan's sermon series (you can watch the sermon here... ) - and the theme was what happens when we hold onto bitterness and anger and don't forgive. i'm hoping to get the video that was taken of it - but basically the idea is that when we hold on so tightly to these things, we imprison ourselves and end up useless for God's kingdom. and looking at how we do it to ourselves! satan doesnt even have to help.... how can God use us if we can't hear Him?
it turned out really great, and God really used it...good stuff.
and then sunday afternoon we went BACK to church! yay...haha just so much time there this week. but we had a 2 hr practice...and it was soooo great! somewhere in there it went from just being something they're trying to learn and became FUN. and they just started having fun with it and i got really really excited to see that. this drama has a really powerful message - VICTORY. victory over lies and sin and bondage...its absolutely w/in our grasp! so its so fun to see it all coming together...i could put up some video - but i'm gonna wait...;)
but tomorrow's the big day!
so excited to do all the hair and makeup and everything! :) and excited for MegaWednesday and the drama and all of it.
God's gonna do very cool things! :)
keep covering it all in prayer!
we have the victory!
Friday, March 4, 2011
it's not ok
How many times have we heard “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”? or “you will do greater things even than Jesus did”? or “I will never leave you or forsake you, you will soar on wings like eagles”?
some crazy promises that can be tough to really believe and hold onto…
Now how many times have you thought this… “you can’t live JUST like Jesus did. You can’t live like that forever. You’re just human…”
We are QUICK to claim that one or one like it and it becomes this net that we can fall back on. “well God, I will live my life for you – I will overcome the flesh and I will beat my body into submission – but know that I’m just human, so I will fail sometimes. and its ok because you’ll forgive me. so I’ll try…” and that’s all true…EXCEPT where do we get this idea that it’s a given that we will fail eventually? that we can’t overcome completely – we can just try really hard? Those statements from the beginning - they are PROMISES.
He is TELLING us (not asking) that we CAN do ALL things through Christ. We WILL do greater things than Jesus did through the Holy Spirit. And while we’re doing all that – He will NEVER leave our side. He’ll be there, lifting us up…and He does NOT get tired.
Soak that in…Because it’s huge.
The bible also tells us that we will have trials, that there is sin in the world, that our flesh is weak – but nowhere in there does it say – “you’re going to try really hard, but even on my power, you’ll have to fall eventually”.
In fact – in 1 Peter it actually says “be diligent in these things and you will NEVER trip or stumble”.
God is giving me this holy passion lately that we need to stop playing the “well I’ll try, but forever? That’s a long time to (fill in the blank with whatever- disciplining ourselves, reading the bible daily, not gossiping, etc.)”
Yes, its overwhelming. Yes, it seems crazy. And yes, we – on our own – will fail eventually. But we’re not supposed to do it on our own. we’re supposed to lean on Him.
In our youth group we have been asking some tough questions lately…
Do you know if you are going to Heaven?
Are you passionate for God?
Are you on fire for Him?
And the tendency (I know I’ve done it so many times in the past) is to look at these questions and quick say –
well, nobody is passionate ALL the time.
everyone has doubts at one point or another.
sometimes I’m kind of lukewarm, but usually hot and on fire for Him…
and here’s the killer – “but no one can be _____ ALL the time”.
But I’m so done with that.
because every time I hear that answer lately (in my own head or from other people), immediately after- I see God shake His head firmly and say “no…don’t give me that answer”.
Because the reality is – God has given us the power to be able to answer these questions with a firm YES.
Yes I am passionate. It might be different kinds of passion at different times – but the Holy Spirit is the one who gives us passion, and He doesn’t ever stop being passionate.
Yes I am saved! I AM God’s child, and I AM living out my purpose. No doubts ever.
Yes, I am on fire. I am NOT cold, I am NOT lukewarm.
But we settle for just telling Him what we think He wants to hear. We make sure that net is there before we commit – and when we hear God tell us to live in righteousness and let go of our chains, we can say yes, absolutely – but then quick reassure ourselves that if we do fail – its ok. But we need to stop doing that. its NOT ok. we need to practice saying yes. And be done.
as soon as we say “but if I DO fail, I’m still ok, because I have this safety net right here and it’ll all be all right” we allow failing to become a possibility. Yes God will forgive, Yes, God will restore – but why dwell on WHEN we will fail when we can rule out the possibility of there even being an IF???
Because being saved means that we are filled with God’s power, which also means that we, as His followers, have the supernatural ability to live the way Jesus did…to overcome and live holy and blameless... and we don’t have to fail.
So no more excuses, no more quick “sure I’ll try, but” answers.
When we ask ourselves questions like these – answer them truthfully.
If the answer is no, then we need to fix it.
if it’s a “sometimes, kind of”- we need to fix it.
God has given us the ability to answer with a resounding YES as long as we’re living by His power. we don't HAVE to live in constant fear of failing. Let Him work and heal and hold us up by HIS power...He wants us free and living a full life in Him the way He designed us to. strong and whole.
so don’t settle for kind of...
Its not ok.
some crazy promises that can be tough to really believe and hold onto…
Now how many times have you thought this… “you can’t live JUST like Jesus did. You can’t live like that forever. You’re just human…”
We are QUICK to claim that one or one like it and it becomes this net that we can fall back on. “well God, I will live my life for you – I will overcome the flesh and I will beat my body into submission – but know that I’m just human, so I will fail sometimes. and its ok because you’ll forgive me. so I’ll try…” and that’s all true…EXCEPT where do we get this idea that it’s a given that we will fail eventually? that we can’t overcome completely – we can just try really hard? Those statements from the beginning - they are PROMISES.
He is TELLING us (not asking) that we CAN do ALL things through Christ. We WILL do greater things than Jesus did through the Holy Spirit. And while we’re doing all that – He will NEVER leave our side. He’ll be there, lifting us up…and He does NOT get tired.
Soak that in…Because it’s huge.
The bible also tells us that we will have trials, that there is sin in the world, that our flesh is weak – but nowhere in there does it say – “you’re going to try really hard, but even on my power, you’ll have to fall eventually”.
In fact – in 1 Peter it actually says “be diligent in these things and you will NEVER trip or stumble”.
God is giving me this holy passion lately that we need to stop playing the “well I’ll try, but forever? That’s a long time to (fill in the blank with whatever- disciplining ourselves, reading the bible daily, not gossiping, etc.)”
Yes, its overwhelming. Yes, it seems crazy. And yes, we – on our own – will fail eventually. But we’re not supposed to do it on our own. we’re supposed to lean on Him.
In our youth group we have been asking some tough questions lately…
Do you know if you are going to Heaven?
Are you passionate for God?
Are you on fire for Him?
And the tendency (I know I’ve done it so many times in the past) is to look at these questions and quick say –
well, nobody is passionate ALL the time.
everyone has doubts at one point or another.
sometimes I’m kind of lukewarm, but usually hot and on fire for Him…
and here’s the killer – “but no one can be _____ ALL the time”.
But I’m so done with that.
because every time I hear that answer lately (in my own head or from other people), immediately after- I see God shake His head firmly and say “no…don’t give me that answer”.
Because the reality is – God has given us the power to be able to answer these questions with a firm YES.
Yes I am passionate. It might be different kinds of passion at different times – but the Holy Spirit is the one who gives us passion, and He doesn’t ever stop being passionate.
Yes I am saved! I AM God’s child, and I AM living out my purpose. No doubts ever.
Yes, I am on fire. I am NOT cold, I am NOT lukewarm.
But we settle for just telling Him what we think He wants to hear. We make sure that net is there before we commit – and when we hear God tell us to live in righteousness and let go of our chains, we can say yes, absolutely – but then quick reassure ourselves that if we do fail – its ok. But we need to stop doing that. its NOT ok. we need to practice saying yes. And be done.
as soon as we say “but if I DO fail, I’m still ok, because I have this safety net right here and it’ll all be all right” we allow failing to become a possibility. Yes God will forgive, Yes, God will restore – but why dwell on WHEN we will fail when we can rule out the possibility of there even being an IF???
Because being saved means that we are filled with God’s power, which also means that we, as His followers, have the supernatural ability to live the way Jesus did…to overcome and live holy and blameless... and we don’t have to fail.
So no more excuses, no more quick “sure I’ll try, but” answers.
When we ask ourselves questions like these – answer them truthfully.
If the answer is no, then we need to fix it.
if it’s a “sometimes, kind of”- we need to fix it.
God has given us the ability to answer with a resounding YES as long as we’re living by His power. we don't HAVE to live in constant fear of failing. Let Him work and heal and hold us up by HIS power...He wants us free and living a full life in Him the way He designed us to. strong and whole.
so don’t settle for kind of...
Its not ok.
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