a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Thursday, March 22, 2012

beautiful things

three weeks ago(ish) we spent some time talking about the things that come up in life,
the things happening right now,
that don't make sense.
the things that don't seem to be working for good -
in fact they seem to be pulling us farther and farther away from where we want to be.
i posted on it at the time...check it out and then keep reading.

"He is working all things together for the good of those that love Him -
according to His purpose."
do we believe that? 
like - can we take big steps into the seemingly crazy,
because we TRULY BELIEVE that God is in control of it.
that He knows EXACTLY what is going on.
do we TRUST Him like that?
we had people write things down on paper...
giving them to God.
all the "WHY, God?"
all the "I'm DONE with this, God."
all of it...
and for the past few weeks Austin has been painting during worship.
and last night the papers were added to it...

all the things that make no sense...

all the things that don't seem to follow with what we expected from God...

even though they seemed so random and insignificant and solely for US in that moment that they were written down...

all it took was someone, an artist, to come in...
to see them in a different way...
to take all the pieces and work them together...
to place them in the right way...
so that they are no longer all alone and random -
but part of a bigger picture.

and to not only just place them in the picture...
but to place them in such a way that they work together and become BEAUTIFUL.

your situation is not hopeless.
God has not given up on you.
He has not lost track of His plan.
You will never been in a situation where God cannot make something beautiful from it.
He created the world from nothing...
The world, the Heavens, the universe - its all His.
He makes beautiful things from dust.
He will make beautiful things from you.

don't hold back from Him -
trust Him.
He won't let you down.


Monday, March 12, 2012

do YOU know Him?

love this video.
need a reminder of who God is? 

 "the pharisees couldn't stand Him 
Pilate couldn't find any fault in Him 
Herod couldn't kill Him 
Death couldn't stop Him and 
 the Grave couldn't hold Him." 

 THAT is OUR King. 

do YOU know Him???

 we don't serve a small God, 
and we don't live for empty promises. 
He is living and He is GOD. 


Thursday, March 1, 2012

so many things in such a short time...

we had some MUCH needed group time tonight :)

we started the night off with prayer time.  covering our (coming soon) curtains in prayer as well as our night :)

then austin shared some POWERFUL words with us from a class he was in a few weeks ago - about finding our affection for God.
how every one of us has certain things that stir our affections for Him.
whether it be waking up early and drinking coffee...
or sitting by the ocean...
or watching a really great movie...
or putting on certain music...
or creating a piece of art...
whatever it is - it stirs up our affections and just makes us love God.
causes us to think about Him and dwell on Him - if only for a moment.
but it brings us into His presence.
you may not know what your "things" are - but pay attention.
next time you find yourself smiling and thinking of God...notice what it is you're doing.
start to learn how God has wired you to worship Him...

and then we played a little game...it caused some confusion, some laughter, some self-esteem issues...
but it was fun. :)

God has been laying on my heart the IMPORTANCE of helping each other find our gifts.
we can pray and practice and think all we want on our own - but how HELPFUL is it to have someone else say "hey - i noticed that you are really good at this and i really feel God's presence when you______."
so we took some time and pointed out each other's gifts.
its just really good to hear someone else say it.
its part of being a body, right?  a community?  we help each other.
so i encourage you to NOTICE people.  and to go out of your way to TELL them what you notice.
lets encourage each other.

and then we started a new sport.
no big deal.
you might call it marker launching.
i feel like its pretty self-explanatory.

and then we invented a handshake, some new words, some sign language and discussed literature.
you know...

love that He knows us all so well and places us exactly where He designed us to fit.