a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bus Driver

ok...i am posting this video from our christmas party. this is one of many times we have played many times. its an improv game where basically there is a bus driver (hence the name of the game) and he sits on the stage. then someone walks up on to the stage and acts a certain way (crying, dancing, talking with an accent, etc...there really is no end to the possibilities...haha) and when that person gets on the bus acting like they are - the bus driver has to adopt the same character.
and you just keep adding ppl. so the next person would get on the bus acting a different way and then everyone has to switch characters to match.
and so on, so on.
all in all - its pretty entertaining. and its just fun to see what they come up with :) plus its good practice being in front of ppl, thinking on your feet, and working together.
we also used it in Mexico at the childrens home - a great game to play when there's a language barrier! :)
so here is just a glimpse...enjoy!


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