a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

coming soon...

so Testimony weekend is over...
summer is ending...

so what does that mean for us?

there are some big things coming up...
God placed the dream to grow this ministry in us a few years ago...and its been forming and changing and it still is in process...it probably always will be - 
but while most of the dream has seemed so huge and unattainable - for whatever reason, right now, it seems doable.
and that - has to be God.

so i'll keep you in suspense for the moment - 
but just a preview...

a pretty epic dance...to a variety of songs.
leadership meeting...gonna nail down some logistics...VERY exciting.
shopping for hardwood floor very soon.
a schedule of every wednesday in my email and lots of room for "creative elements".
'bout to order canvas for an upcoming wedding.

lots of stuff.  and so much more.
soooooo excited.
this - finna be a GOOD, challenging, stretching, exciting, different year...
as long as God gets all the glory - i'm up for anything ;)

we're also looking for people interested in joining us!!!
we're going to be doing lots of arting and dramas and writing and videos and just anything that comes up...anything we can do.  
SO - anyone out there who is interested in art of any form - let us know!
(did you notice the "contact us" tab at the top?  use it!!! :) )
we would LOVE to talk to you!

so keep us in your prayers!
that we can allow God to bring our gifts to life to reach our world!!! :)


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