a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Thursday, November 3, 2011

the anointing

hey friends!

so we just finished another ALIVE gathering :)
always an adventure.
i am blessed by this team.
austin and i worked on a new human video for awhile...
and then worked with the team to get it going.
its not finished...
but it will be soon!
it feels really good to be making stuff again.
to just trust God to show up and create through us.

i was just reading a blog post by Pastor Steven Furtick.
and i love it...
read it here

he talks about the anointing.
if you don't know what that means...
here's what he says in the post - 

When I say anointing, I’m talking about the supernatural enabling of the Holy Spirit.

and the difference between doing something you're anointed to do and doing something you're just really good at.
one impresses people.
one impacts people's eternity.

when we were up at Trout Lake Camp recently the speaker Brian Sumner (really legit guy with a really legit story - you can google him...and watch his I Am Second video...good stuff)
also talked about the Holy Spirit and His anointing.
and i just couldn't even handle it...it was so powerful and i just pray pray pray that people were paying attention.
he talked about how we need to be doing what we're anointed to do.
he said he skates because that's what he's anointed to do.
he doesn't paint or sing because that's not what he's anointed to do.
God didn't call him to those things, He didn't move the Spirit to do those things through him.
and so he skates.
that is his ministry.  that's what God's calling him to do.
and that's where God moves through him.

what is your calling?
what are you anointed to do?
what does God want to use you for?

how do you know?
there is only one way.
get to know God.
ask Him.
listen to Him.
do what He asks you to do, change what He asks you to change, get rid of what He asks you to.
and then follow.

Brian also said this - 
if i'm anointed to skate and called to skate...
but i never get on a skateboard.
am i really a professional skateboarder?
or am i a poser?

if i'm called to be creative, if i'm anointed to create and share God's word
but i never actually do it...
am i living out God's calling?
am i actually a follower of Jesus?

or am i just pretending to be...

God doesn't call us to look good.
He doesn't anoint us so we can do cool things for ourselves.
He calls us because He's got a kingdom to further, relationships to build and lives to save.

so what are we doing?


1 comment:

  1. I could talk about this all day long!!! I have been really dealing a lot with this exact thing lately :)
