a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Friday, January 18, 2013

when we take time for Him

this past weekend i went to a conference for ladies of ALL ages called Empower.
the key speaker was Susie Larson.
and it was amazing.
God showed up and just tore through us, and it was AMAZING.

one of the things that stood out so much and was SUCH an incredible encouragement to me - 
was the way she talked about God.
like He is her best friend.
like she talks to Him on a daily basis.
like she KNOWS Him well.
like He's with her in everything.

i know some of that doesn't sound super groundbreaking - 
but i noticed it...
and then realized how much i have MISSED having that in my life lately.
i have not been as diligent in making time to just sit with God.
to just soak Him in and really focus on Him.
and i notice it.

prayer is a powerful powerful thing.
it brings us to God's feet, 
it causes us to look at HIM - not at everything else.
being in His presence is more powerful and overwhelming than any drug or high you could ever have.
its amazing how consuming and beautiful it is to really meet with God...

and its incredible how easy it is to push off that time for something that somehow seems better in the moment.

we have an enemy that doesn't want us to have that time...
because it AFFECTS us.
it brings us closer to God.

so lets not forget to make time for Him.
journal your thoughts, speak your prayers out loud, write them down, paint them - 
ask God for help, lift up someone else, tell Him how amazing He is, thank Him - 
just whatever comes to mind.
just be there with Him :)

He's always there...
let's not waste that or miss anything He has for us!



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