a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Monday, January 28, 2013

you never know til you try

this past week we gathered in the dungeon to do some arting.
we got a little inspiration and, taking a picture of Jesus' face from the internet - 
decided to try a little project.

Austin sketched out the drawing on a piece of canvas...
and we found every black marker in the dungeon...
and put on chris tomlin's new album...
then had everyone just start writing the names/ descriptions of God out...

and with some instruction and guidance from Austin,
and the team being willing to try something new - 
we ended with this :)

pretty cool huh?

i've heard so many people say they can't do art or they don't know how...
but then i've seen some of those same people be a part of making something like this.

we may not all be naturally gifted to the extent where everything we touch is a masterpiece (although we love those people...right?  ;) )
but we were created in the image of the most creative One of all.
and i really believe that we should all be using our imagination,
being intentional about trying new things,
about getting past what is comfortable for us,
and seeing what God might want to do with/ for/ through us.

obviously this is just a piece of artwork - 
but it was such a fun time working together and seeing a final product that turned out so good in such a short amount of time.
and how can spending time thinking on and writing down how good God is in so many ways be bad?

love it.


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