a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dear Fear...

hello! i havent written anything on here for awhile! but its not because we havent been busy...haha
last thursday we had a planning session - after we found out that we had to have a drama ready for the 22nd - on fear - for the See You At the Pole Rally that will be held at Edinbrook on wednesday.
so we spent some time on that,got a plan down...and then changed it all.
not a surprise...
and along with the standard changed plans at the last second, comes God with a new, different, and way better idea that we had originally come up with.
so this past thursday we had our first practice on this new idea and got a lot of it figured out, but this morning...at 7am...the first few got to church to finish up the choreography to the dance part - thank you SO much to ashley and austin, they and their gifts are SUCH a huge blessing to this team...
and by the grace of God it was all choreographed in about a half hour! and i think its one of my favorite dances so far. crazy stuff.
and after another 4 hrs, a few minor injuries, some caribou coffee, a few wakeup calls and a lot of work...we finished it all and it is looking really cool (if i do say so myself...;) )
its a picture of how we go about our daily life, seeing the opportunities all around us to share Gods love...but fear holds us back. not because it is bigger or stronger than God - but because we allow it to cover us and overwhelm us and keep us from reaching out.
its a human video with some dance to the song "Dear X" by Disciple.
the lyric i love is the chorus when they say...
"You can fire, but you got no bullets. I was yours, I'm not yours anymore, cuz you dont own me"
and in this case, with this drama - applying that line to fear.
we can so easily convince ourselves that that voice, that that fear that makes us hesitate, that makes us doubt what we thought we knew we had to do -
while it seems so huge and so strong...God is bigger. we dont have to give in to that fear. it cant control us. the only hold it has over us is what we give it permission to hold over us.
one of my favorite verses is John 16:33..."i tell you this because in this world you will have trouble. but take heart...i have overcome the world"
amen! the God we have given our lives over to has overcome it all! nothing can touch us, nothing is more important that that. so we just need to look that fear in the eye - because even though it seems like its got a pistol pointed at our faces ready to take us down - its not loaded.
fear has no power unless you let it. but if God is in control - we'll have to strength to stand there and tell that fear that it can point that gun all it wants...but it wont stop us.
i had so much fun this morning working with everyone, and although it was early - it just is such a cool message, and definitely one i still need to learn.
so if you can, stop by on wed and check it out! it'll be in the middle of some pretty epic worship music, so how can you miss that??? ;)
pray that it goes well and that the message comes across CLEARLY and that people are impacted to get rid of the FEAR in their lives and just live lives for God of utter abandon.
love it.

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