a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Bride part 2

So this past Wednesday night and Sunday morning – The Bride drama was performed.
And after weeks of getting ppl in the roles, getting scripts down (even to the last second), figuring out what will go where, etc…….they did it! and it was SO great. God had me praying over it A LOT. But He was so in charge of it all and it was a really powerful message – both times.
Different groups did each one – for the most part – but they all did amazing. God totally spoke through it. it was an interesting one – just because it’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t get talked about so much in church. And taking the ppl that make you feel MOST uncomfortable and placing them right in front of you, in your comfort zone, pleading with you to pay attention to them – asking you why you don’t see them.
Its tough stuff. But SUCH an important one!
If we as the church is sleeping, if we just focus on ourselves and stay in our buildings and just talk to each other – who is being the hands and feet of Jesus in the world? Its great that we are so comfortable – but just because we are saved and going to heaven, doesn’t mean that we are finished. There are a lot of ppl that haven’t heard, that don’t know, that don’t have ppl to love on them and tell them that every thing they do MATTERS – and the world will not be the one to tell them, It wont. because the world doesn’t care. Its our job. Because we are free, because we have been forgiven, because we are loved unconditionally and we have the promise of eternity – it is our job, our call to be His instrument and let Him use us. to let the Holy Spirit that He sent us do His thing through us and reach out to the ppl around us.
And we did the drama, quick adding a verse to the end – from Matthew 25, and quick added it again on Sunday morning…only to sit in the sermon on Sunday and at the end find out that PI ALSO had the same verse for his message. Crazy, huh? This was totally Gods thing and it was really really great to see Him work in it. love it.
So thank you so much to the TEAM for getting up so early and giving up your time and for letting God use you!!! hugely appreciated.
One more quick thing – this was my friends status on facebook this morning and I love it…its from Romans.

‎"we're all instruments of a valiant song, it's our decision to remain silent or awake the dormant."

Don’t be silent…lets stay awake church. Because we never know if we will run out of time.

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