a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Thursday, December 2, 2010

An Artist's Creed

1 Corinthians 12:4-6
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

So between reading Forgotten God, Wednesday night youth group, and my own time with God – i think its safe to say that God is teaching me about His Spirit and the spiritual gifts He has given us as His children. Gifts that are meant to be used to bring us closer to Him, but also to bring others closer to Him. Gifts that God has given us as a way to relate to Him in an incredibly unique way that is JUST for you and Him. How beautiful is that??? Personally – God has given me art. By a lot of people’s standards – I am not the greatest artist, but when I draw or paint or create – I feel God in this intensely personal way…and it. is. incredible.
For some people – art is just frustrating or boring Haha…and that’s ok. but He has given you SOMETHING…something that when you do it, when you use it for His glory – you come alive. in a way that can only be kind of understood if you have experienced it.
So find out what it is. Find it and use it. as much as you can. Meet with God using your gift, bless other people by using it…if you have absolutely no idea how to go about doing this – ASK HIM. Sit down and talk to Him. He’ll tell you – because He wants to meet with you. He doesn’t give kind of okay, mediocre gifts. So if He has gone to the trouble to make this thing a part of your design from before you were even born – you can bet that its worth finding out about. it may take some faith – to really be open to what it is He wants to give you…but trust that it is so worth it.
And when we FINALLY grab a hold of it and embrace it – we finally find our part in this crazy amazing plan that God has orchestrated, our part in His Kingdom’s cause. WOW. Love. That. !!!
Do you realize how HUGE THIS ALL IS???
Please don’t read all this and just read it like it’s a textbook. Let it soak in. let it become REAL to you…so that you are literally unable to sit still because you are so filled with this passion to find out what God is calling you to.

I was reading a blog the other day and came across this – its called An Artist’s Creed, and I love it. say this and pray through it any time you are ready to use your gifts. That even in the seemingly “small” things – God will do huge things.

I believe my talents are a gift from God, and I am to use them to fulfill His purposes in my life and in his world. I humbly acknowledge and accept my gifts as I ask to receive God's vision for how I am to use them. I ask the Holy Spirit to free me from self-doubt and self-absorption. I pray this work will bring me into closer alignment with God's plan for me as I seek to bring my gifts and talents into His light and to become the whole and complete person He intends me to be.

An Artist's Creed - janice elsheimer, from the book “The Creative Call”

Be filled anew with the Spirit, friends!
Please don’t miss what God is trying to tell you today!


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