a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Monday, February 27, 2012

a unique addition

i heard a pastor say this the other day and i had to share...

"God didn't make you unique for uniqueness' sake.  He made you unique because He's got a specific purpose in mind for you...
you have been placed into a community of believers.
you are a part of the body to work for the glory of God. 
and when one part doesn't work - the body is hindered.
and what happens when you decide that you don't want the gifts you've been given or when you decide not to use your gifts within that community, 
you are robbed of being able to experience God and you stifle the church.  
the community of believers is robbed of the unique addition that God has brought to them in you."
                                                                                                         ---Matt Chandler.

powerful, right?
we are all unique because we all have a different purpose.
and we have been placed in such a way that we fit with the rest of the body of believers.
and a body only works if all the parts are doing their thing - 
so if we decide that we don't really matter,
or we're just not that gifted,
or no one really needs what we have...
we are WRONG.
God says in 1 corinthians that every part is crucial.
so us making that decision doesn't just affect us.
it affects the whole group.

so all the times i say - 
find your gift,
use your gift,
practice your gift...
its not just so you can be good at something or find your talent.
its so you can experience God by letting Him show you how He created you...
and so the body of Christ gets to use what He's given YOU.
i can write and direct all day long - 
but that is a VERY small piece of the puzzle.
God's plan needs hands, feet, legs, eyes, ears...........
and He's put us all together in such a way that we can be used in incredible ways to bring Him glory and to reach out to a lost world.

so don't belittle your gifts and don't assume someone else can do it - 
because they can't.
and don't be afraid to step out and use it - 
because its His gift.  it'll work.
its not about us.
its ALL about Him.
and we have been placed with a uniqueness
that completes the body He has put together.
and it only works the way it should if we actually do our part...
if you know what you're gift is - use it.
if you don't - don't be afraid to ask Him.
but don't rob the church of the uniqueness He's given us in you.


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