a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Saturday, January 15, 2011


ok...so i went to {em-pou-er} conference today. all i can say about it is...wow.
God showed up today. His presence was SO powerful. the main speaker we brought in was Grace Johnson. she is a potter and an incredible woman of God and she shared her story while on stage and made pottery while she was speaking. it was incredible to watch. and so beautiful because she talked about how she is the potter molding this clay like God is the potter molding us, His clay. and so as she works with the clay - she speaks to the clay like God speaks to us.
one thing that i want to share that hit me really deeply was when she was talking about how amazing it was that God could love on her, and touch her, and move her. and then she talked about a time when she asked God about it - and asked how she could touch Him, love Him, move Him the way that He does us.
and God told her -
believe that He is everything. believe that He will fulfill His promises. believe that He will come through. and believe that He is so deeply in love with you.
and believe it enough to let Him mold you.

and she spoke those words like God was talking directly to me...and it was like God was standing in front of me, asking me to believe. "just believe in me. i just want you to trust me, i want you to show me you love me by trusting me"

that's powerful stuff.
have you ever thought of what it means to God to know that you trust Him with your life? that you really do believe with everything in you that He is going to take care of you?

His love is just too amazing to fathom. and He is OUR GOD. let that soak in...He created the earth, He is a king above all other kings. He has a plan for each and every one of His children...and He loves me. deeply, powerfully, and initmately loves ME. and you.
so just take a second or a few and let that sink in.

and start believing Him...
and He will mold you into the breathtaking masterpiece He designed for you to be.

God proved Himself faithful in so many ways today. and i am beyond grateful for every single one of the many ppl that volunteered to run sound, serve/prepare food, clean up tables, ALL of it. i am just in awe of the body of Christ and i know i take them all for granted. so today i just really really want to appreciate them. to say thank you and to say that i love them so much and love their hearts to take up their saturday morning to serve their sisters in Christ. it was amazing.


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