a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Friday, January 14, 2011

what will kill you if you don't do it?

So I have been reading the book Primal by Mark Batterson. And its this really great book just getting back to the very base of our faith. Figuring out what is God and what we have made up ourselves. Its pretty intense stuff.
But one of the chapters talks about a man who went to Africa on a trip, saw that a lot of the kids weren’t wearing shoes. So he knew in that moment that he had to get as many of these kids shoes as he could. And then said the sentence that we have all heard many times before… "I will do this if it kills me.”
And then Mark asks this question…
What will kill you if you don’t do it?

Now for the last few years I have been all about figuring out the dreams God has placed in me, the gifts He’s given me, and where He is leading me – but that question I read, thought about, and realized I didn’t know. No idea.

and it continues on to ask more questions – get you thinking more on it…
“what puts a holy smile on your face? What makes your spirit sob uncontrollably? What makes you pound your fist on the table in righteous indignation? Because when you find that, you find your God-ordained passion. Or rather compassion. Because you are feeling what God feels.”

Crazy to think about, huh?
I just sat there and went through those questions and really thought about them. Really thought about which of my passions bring me the closest to God’s heart. And there were a few.
I still don’t know for sure how to answer that first question…but it’ll come.
For now – I am just really loving being able to work in His ministry. to have gifts that I truly love to use.
One thing that I am learning about myself is that I LOVE to create…to be creative. Which I always knew I liked…but didn’t know how much I really loved it. It just makes me feel so alive every time. No matter what else I am feeling that day. and it amazes me every time.

God is good, friends. He has gifts He wants us to use. He has dreams He wants us to take part in. and He wants us to experience His heart in a way that truly moves us to every version of tears. :)

So take some time…go through those questions…really think about the answers. Let God speak it into your heart.
And then pray that He will place in you a passion to answer this question… "what will kill you if you don’t do it?”


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