a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

learning God's creativity...

it has been awhile since i have written anything on here...life is crazy!
a very good crazy...but crazy nonetheless. last week for our ALIVE meeting we had broken the team up into groups and given each group a bible passage and told them to pray on it, think about it and come up with some sort of creative element they could use to portray the passage or a lesson from the passage. just a practice activity to get used to seeking God for inspiration.
they had 2 weeks to think on it and play with it and last week we met up and they shared what they had come up with. we heard some good ideas and i would love to spend more time developing them and just learning how to let God work. learn how to rely on HIS inspiration and creativity. so im excited to see where He goes with that.
And our trip is still in the works! working on getting the show put together, piece by piece. theres still a lot to do, but i have no doubt that God will figure it out. He has proven time and time again that He has already prepared everything we need for this to happen.
How great is it that God doesnt call us to crazy things and then lets us fend for ourselves??? but He calls us to it and then takes over. ALL we have to do is let Him! i cannot hear that or learn that lesson enough. i LOVE it. there is no rush like being put in an impossible situation and then seeing Him take over. its incredible. so it is a blessing to be called to do such a hugely crazy thing. haha...i have no doubt we will get to experience Him in a truly amazing way.
so keep us in your prayers as i am sure that Satan will not stand back and just allow all this to happen. pray that we can all be taught by God to do what it is He calls us to and pray that we will stay focused on Him and not be distracted.
so excited for all that He is doing!

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