a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Project: Mexico Edition Week 1

So i realize that this mission trip is not actually an ALIVE trip - but since ALIVE is on pause and sarah and i are heading this up - i am going to blog through this process. God using the hearts for the creative to share His message. SOOO excited for this. its been a process of crazy ideas and crazy proposals but God has opened every door that we needed. and we have been praying for a minimum number of ppl - how many we needed to be able to go...we could use more, but just wanted at least that, and God in His amazing way of being in the details - provided exactly what we needed. :) just another way of Him showing us that HE and only He is in charge of this trip. so great. but we met with almost everybody last night, and it is going to be a really really great team. so fun, and God has blessed this team with such gifts and talents. i am SO excited to see how it will all work together for what God has planned. we shared with them our vision for the trip - in that we are going to Mexico to spread the message to the nations...get the message of God's word out to just one more place. and we're using art to do it not only because we feel God's calling to it, but to give the team an opportunity to practice and experience God working through the gifts God has given them - and if they dont know what they are - to find out. so be praying that this vision will become clear to every member.
and then we walked through the show - ill share more details as we go :) but just giving them an idea of what is to come...:)
and then we played some games...kind of auditions w/out being auditions :) we split them into 3 teams and had each draw out 6 sheets of paper. Each sheet of paper had one word on it and they had to incorporate at least 3 of them into a skit they had 5 minutes to prepare. and they did an AMAZING job. i wish we had gotten it on tape so much - but since we didnt i will just say that throughout the three we saw impressively accurate impersonations of Barack Obama and me...haha so funny, we saw water aerobics, hearing aids, dragons, squids, headbands, and chicken pot pie. if you want details, just ask...:)
haha, but it was a lot of fun. then we played a game called bus driver, basically kind of a follow the leader game. i just love these kids, they have such imaginations and such creativity. we just laugh A LOT. and im so excited to see what God is going to use all their own gifts for and what God is about to teach them. I just am in one of those places where i know that this is God. i just have such a peace with it...and that just makes me so excited!!!! God is so good, and so faithful. i love his surprises so much! so keep us in your prayers - that all the money will be provided, that we can all be open to learn whatever God has for us, and that we will follow His lead on everything.
yay for creativity and missions and all of it! :)

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