a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Project: Mexico Edition Week 2

Week 2! this week was our first practice, and we started working on the show. it went so great, they learned it fast and its coming together already. and chelsea played the piano along with the acting and even though the music isn't done yet - i will just say that it is going to be AMAZING. its so beautiful and goes perfectly with the story. i LOVE seeing Gods gifts at work. i just cant even say how much i love it. but just keep all the people working on this just covered in prayer, that God would anoint them and just keep pouring through them to make this whole show completely His.
We spent some time explaining what we were about to teach them and where in the Bible we got it from. Its so important to keep the focus on God and the Bible. make sure we're teaching His word and HIS message and not ours.
in looking at the passage Isaiah 46:5-11 we just saw a cool picture of God asking "To whom will you liken me and make me equal...?" referring to idols. He goes on to say how the people pay to have these idols made, then carry them, then set them down and realize that no matter what they do, it will never help. God promises so much more. He says "I will accomplish all my purpose..." amazing. no matter what we do and no matter how many times we choose these "things" whatever they are, over Him...He still calls us back, telling us that those idols will not help us, but He intends to accomplish His purpose for us.
we also looked at the verse in Matthew 26 where Jesus is in the garden and he says, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not as I will but as you will" and seeing how Jesus didnt want to die. He didnt WANT to suffer...but He was willing to follow His Father. and then He says "My Father, if this cannot pass unless i drink it, your will be done". and THAT is one of my favorite pictures of Jesus. Looking at death right in the face, knowing His father would turn away, knowing that his own followers would turn away, knowing how many times the people had turned away and would continue to turn away...and saying - if they can't be saved, if you can't be glorified without me doing this...then i'll take it.
Crazy. so crazy. the part of the show we started working on was at the end, and its a picture of just a realization of how what we do affects God. its in a flashback form, and i wont give too much detail :) but its a picture of the moment when the girl realizes how all the things that she chose over Jesus throughout the show have only brought her pain or faded away...but Jesus has been there all along and His love for her has not only not faded, but only gotten stronger.
its amazing how God has literally blessed us with the exact number of ppl we need for the show and how He has blessed us with an awesome team. i pray that God will just bless us with His anointing and His leading that every second of this show is Him. purely of Him.
please keep the funds and plans and people in your prayers that this process will be a way for God to reveal His awesome power and faithfulness.
so excited!!!!!!

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