a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Friday, December 11, 2009

Inside view of ALIVE

I came up with the Idea of making a video documentary style of an ALIVE practice. Yesterday, on thursday i got the green light from J&S and started doing interviews of the certain "characters" I was nervous on the filming of the actual practice, i thought maybe that people would say a little and just be done, but you guys totally worked off each other beautifully. It was really hard not to laugh when recording you guys. You guys were great, thanks for participating. Thanks for letting me do this. Ben, i didnt know if you could do it, but you did! Austin you were great as being that pompus actor and it was funny to see you all full of yourself. Joe...it did not know you could be that funny, you were awesome, props to Jordan for shining like a star! Thank you everybody else, you guys were awesome! I love the last scene with Tyler and Jordan showing up late, thanks for coming guys. So....it was great! I...love ALIVE...yea.....

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