a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Sunday, March 7, 2010

complete surrender...

this morning at Edinbrook, we had an awesome worship time and God was just really speaking to me. one of the things i struggle with is putting what is in my head and on my heart into words that make sense to other people, and God has been helping me and working with me in that. and i am learning to listen to what He is saying and ask for help instead of just rushing through things, relying on my own abilities. this morning God just put it on my heart to write it all down so i would remember it. so i did, and im so glad that i listened! haha...and i just want to share. i was hit with this super humbling thought that while we were still sinners, before we ever thought about making a decision to follow Him - Jesus went to the cross and died for us...and in that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom, giving us open access to the throneroom; open access to the Holy Spirit. and because of that we have the opportunity to to receive His power and in allowing Him to move through us and have complete, ultimate reign in us - the promise is that He will heal us, He will free us from what holds us captive, He will lead us...and we will do greater things than even Jesus did.
and even more humbling is realizing that He doesnt need us. if we dont worship Him, it will not change who God is. He is God regardless. but He WANTS us to be a part of all that He is doing. a crazy reality. He wants us.
and Pastor Ivan spoke this morning on surrender. and brought up the passage in Mark 14 when Jesus goes to pray. He asks God that if possible, the hour would just pass away. Jesus...is before His father, and he addresses Him as "Abba", an incredibly personal name and it just paints this incredible picture of Jesus. He is not before God trying to impress Him, not trying to look strong or try harder. instead Jesus is before Him- open, honest, vulnerable...admitting to His father that He is scared, He doesnt want what is coming...but He is completely surrendered to God's will. He says later on - if this can happen without me having to go through this...please do, but if not- your will be done.
and that is one of the glimpses of Jesus that impacts me the most. how powerfully He loves us and how completely surrendered He is to His Father's will.
and it hit me how we really should strive to imitate this aspect of Jesus...and i thought of the team when God helped me see this, realizing that, like Jesus, when we are struggling or when we dont feel comfortable with something, instead of just suffering through it and pretending like we are so talented and so gifted...we need to be open. and ask for help. come before our Abba and admit that we are weak and scared and allow Him to do the work through us so that people can see Him all the more clearly. we need to surrender our attempts and just let Him work.
He doesnt want us to suffer through life, He doesnt want us to constantly be struggling to impress Him...He doesnt want us to be fake...he wants us to be real. He suffers with us as we struggle by our own power, just waiting and hoping for the moment when we finally come to Him and He can take our burdens and show us the life He created us for.
i pray that we can remember to be real with our Abba. and come to Him completely surrendered.

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