a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Monday, March 1, 2010


Yes, I know I have blogged A LOT in the last few days…however, God is like revealing things and moving like CRAZY in my life right now and its pretty much incredible. God’s timing is basically impeccable…just so crazy to realize over and over again.
So since I have a space out here to get all this stuff out – I will take advantage of it! :)
So like I wrote on Saturday, God has been helping me understand the difference between “living for God and living led by Him.” And where I still don’t have anywhere near a perfect understanding of it – its becoming a whole lot clearer. So after the whole Friday night revelation, I have been having some AMAZING time with God, just resting in His Spirit. But you know what is so fantastic about “resting in His Spirit”??? is that resting in Him doesn’t mean we are doing nothing…but as we rest and give ourselves over to Him, He MOVES. That is when He is finally allowed to really move, when we let go, and step aside. So cool. So he’s just been doing cool things. But yesterday at Edinbrook – Pastor Ivan Veldhuizen went up to preach and he shared a passage from Mark 14. When Jesus reveals to his disciples that one of them would betray Him. And looking at this statement as a wake up call for them.
As sort of a way to say – hey, one of you is going to lead me to my death, this is your chance to find out which of you it is and fix it, let God work on your heart so you don’t regret it forever…but they didn’t! they started arguing, immediately putting their guards up – convinced that “they” would never do such a thing. And just looking at Jesus, how He must have felt…in the midst of the people closest to Him, the ppl who knew Him best and were supposed to love Him the most…and they weren’t even paying attention. They didn’t even know what was coming. How hard must that have been??? And harder question to look at is, what am I not seeing? What is He trying to show me, but I am so focused on what I want and my life that I don’t even see it??? And Pastor Ivan posed a question – how might God be trying to wake you up?
And he gave a bunch of possibilities like world events, or personal struggles, etc. and for me…this past week – my wake-up call has been the Holy Spirit stirring in me!!! Yesterday morning I realized that all of the revelations and this new, constant presence of His Spirit I have been feeling all week – this is Him waking me up, the Spirit just coming alive. Its new for me and its really really exciting. And I just couldn’t stop smiling all morning…just so overwhelmed and pushed to tears with joy and relief that God is SO close and He really does speak to us and is so involved in every detail and aspect of our lives. He knows us. And when we start to fall asleep – He wakes us up. He WANTS so badly for us to be living in tune with His Spirit ALL the time. We were created to be living according to His plan fully, not just fitting Him in where we need help. Completely surrendered. This week has been amazing, I thought I was in awe, I thought I was experiencing the Holy Spirit before – but He has shown me a whole new level of His power and realness and I am SO excited to see what else He has coming. What it is I am being woken up to see.
He just gave me such a peace over the upcoming Mexico trip and the team and its just so crazy how DIFFERENT everything looks when we are completely surrendered and God is really moving instead of us doing the moving.
So yeah…big stuff.
Stay tuned for what comes next! I guess we’ll find out together.
Prayer, people…prayer and submission…HUGE things.

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