a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Friday, April 30, 2010


choreographed and danced by Ashley Hart.
to original music by Chelsea Kimball.

This dance is a product of a lot of spiritual battle. Satan made it very clear throughout the process of putting this together that He did not want this dance performed...ashley had trouble remembering her choreography - not a normal thing for her at all, even the night before we hadn't seen the final version, she was feeling sick with a cold and feeling tired and dizzy, etc. but in it we spent time praying with her and over her and it truly was a battle. and after A LOT of prayer, this is the end result. in the end...God won. He did His thing - and Satan couldn't do a thing about it. This is his creativity and gifts at work...beautiful.

i see things like this and i wish i could dance or write music...they are such amazing gifts and have such powerful abilities to portray pictures of God's love with His power. im not saying at all that i am not amazingly grateful for everything God has given me - because i am SO grateful...i'm just so in awe of all the different aspects of Him.
this is just a glimpse of the body of Christ...and i just love seeing how it all works together.
God amazes me over and over with His creativity and i just love knowing that this is only a part of what He can do....and only the beginning of what He has planned for this team.

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