a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Friday, April 2, 2010

how far would you go?

yesterday i was listening to the radio and one of the "spots" where people come on and just share a short devo, hit me in a really huge way. the guy came on he talked about how lavishly the priests of Jesus' day lived.
how they had beautiful huge homes with private baths and they had jewelry and clothes and were held in very high regard by the people. they had everything they could want...
then Jesus came to the temple and turned the tables over and told them in no uncertain terms that this was NOT what they were supposed to be doing in the house of the Lord.
Matthew 21:13..."it is written, 'my house shall be called a house of prayer,' but you make it a den of robbers."
and even when Jesus then healed the people coming into the temple...all they heard was that they were being asked to give up their way of life.
so they killed Him.
crazy extreme measures, right? the guy on the radio then went on to ask - could we even imagine doing such a thing??? how could they have killed the man? i mean, we would NEVER go that far...
if Jesus was standing in front of you right now and He said - give up your money, your comfort, your security, your status, your home, your job...everything. literally give it to me. what would our reaction be? really and truly?
how far would we go to hold onto what we have?
when the people plotted to bring Him to the cross...would we hate that its happening but stand on the sidelines and secretly be relieved that the problem is being solved so we wont have to lose anything?
would we just kill Him all over again?

this like 2 minutes of speaking on the radio hit me really hard. i have never looked at the death of Jesus from this perspective...
and i literally said wow - out loud, alone in my car. haha...but its a really really hard question to think about.
i cant pretend to know exactly what i would have done then.
but right now, with that thought in mind...i want - NEED - to know that Jesus is more important to me than life itself...that i would not allow Him to go the cross again. and my prayer is that if He isn't, if i'm not there...that God will search through me and take out whatever it is that would bring me to even hesitate to give up everything for Him at a moment's notice.
He is faithful to us to the very end...He will always be. i want to be faithful to Him. in everything, at all costs.
this good friday, my prayer is that we will surrender everything and allow Him, and not selfish desires or fear, to reign in every area of our lives.
that we will love Him with utter abandon.

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