a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Sunday, April 4, 2010

so blessed...

quick sentimental moment...:)
i am just feeling so blessed by God. just with Good Friday and Easter and spending time really looking at what Jesus did for us...that through it all, He stood by me. through every bad decision, every selfish motive, every angry word, everything...He was there. He never gave up...for 18 years He stood by me, just waiting, watching, protecting and hoping for the day when FINALLY i would stop and realize how much i needed Him.
and i am so unbelievably grateful that He was as faithful as He was...because He didnt give up, i can live. i dont have to live in fear. i dont have to go on hurting the ppl around me. i dont have to live my life subdued and cautious and so worried about what will happen to cause me to fall and break apart completely...why?
because i'm FREE!
free from everything the world taught me and engrained in me. because He never gave up.
how AMAZING is that???
He did that for all of us...He loves us so much!
I, you, all of us...OUR LIVES were worth MORE to Him than shame, being mocked, nails to the wrists and feet, a crown of thorns, a sword to the side and His own father turning His face away...
He went through with it because, to Him, we were worth it.
and i feel SO blessed by this team. i think i have been so overwhelmed and busy with everything that i havent stopped to appreciate the truly amazing team God has put together.
i think i never stopped to realize how rare this kind of team is...so talented, so gifted, so passionate...SUCH an incredible, intricate picture of the body of Christ. i think one of the things that bring me closest to God is when I get to see someone find their gift...and then get a chance to try it out...and then find out how exciting and powerful and exhilerating it is to see God use His gifts for His glory. and then to see how the gifts fit together - how the idea is formed, then the music is written, then the dance is choreographed, then the dance is learned, etc. and it wouldnt happen without the entire body working together...and this team has given both sarah and i numerous opportunities to see that...so blessed.
i mean - i can say with 99% certainty...that i would NEVER have started this group without God. haha but i mean - who gets to be a part of a group like this? where do you get to experience the body of Christ like this?
i LOVE it. and i never would have found it on my own.
i love how well God knows us!!!
and i cannot thank God enough and i am so humbled that God would call me to any part of His plan, but then to one that just impacts my heart so fully.
i pray that i can remain as faithful to Him as He has been and always will be.
love easter and celebrating the AMAZING awesome incredible faithful surprising God that we serve.

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