a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

a conversation with a stranger...

ok, so just a little more off of what i wrote earlier...
today i stepped outside of my office for a few minutes to grab some lunch. and as i was just a block or so away, i look back for a second and there's this guy there, a young guy, and all of a sudden he starts talking to me - like he knows me...so i just listened for a second.
and he says "that man over there told me i should die."
and it totally threw me off - and i thought he was just venting about this guy who apparently is kind of a jerk.
so i told him that wasnt true, along with some other things...kind of brushing it off
but then he kept talking...and he seemed really upset over this - and he was not laughing about it.
and he just kept saying "why would he say that? he said i dont deserve to live. am i going to hell? what should i do? should i just go kill myself? he said i should die..."
and i was like whoa - ok, and i just felt this need to pour encouragement into this person that i had never even seen before, let alone knew anything about.
and it really just broke my heart. how does someone believe so quickly that they are not worth anything? how does someone rely so much on what strangers think?
but i ask those knowing that its so easy to listen to what people say...and theres a line - i think its from the movie pretty woman - that says "have you ever noticed that the bad things (people say about you) are easier to believe?"
and its true.
today the guy i talked to thought about what that random guy said and he decided that he was right.
i asked him if he prays...if he knows God. and he started crying and he said yeah...yeah sure i pray...and started to walk away and then he stopped and asked "would you pray for me?"
so i prayed with him...right there on Nicollet Mall...prayed that he would know how important and special and loved he is by God. that there is a purpose for his life that God is working on...
and he just gave me a big hug...and then walked away.
i just cant even explain the distress on this guy's face.
you guys - do we know - have we grasped the fact that we are God's children? that we are so special to Him, that He LOVES us, that He has a specific plan for each and every one of us???
because satan is trying to take that truth away, to hide it and cover it up - but he cant if we dont let him. because regardless of what satan does - Gods truth is STILL TRUE.
and i just am so amazed that God led him to me. why me? of all the ppl on that street? me...with my sunglasses on, walking fast, just another face in the crowd - not going out of my way to pay attention to the people around me...yet he found me. what if he had gone to someone who wouldnt listen? who wouldnt have prayed for him? not saying i did anything really - but God totally was in charge and just took care of him! how beautiful is that???
and i am also just so struck at how strong words can be. they are life or death. everything we say has the potential to breath life or death into people...
so by all means - please let us breath life into people. do all we can to encourage and build up and love.
we are God's bride...His family...lets take care of each other.

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