a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Friday, May 21, 2010

feelin good...

hello! so as you can probably tell from the last few (a lot) of posts on here, its been an intense last few weeks. thanks for allowing me to process on here! but after a tough battle - i am finally starting to feel like satan is starting to loosen his grip a little. and maybe im just learning and getting stronger - really knowing God is going to come through, like im starting to hear the lies for what they really are. like i feel like i can breathe again. and i know that its not over, i know enough not to think i have beat him and im done with him forever...he doesnt work that way. HOWEVER...he is being defeated in this battle! because through ALL of this craziness - we are going to mexico in just a few short weeks!!! yay! God is so faithful and we just need to KEEP PRAYING through the rest of this time. God has been laying on my heart to really pray for the people down there, pray that He will protect us, pray that there wont be violence or danger...just really pray for His mission.
tonight we read Daniel 10...epic. that is all i can say about that. haha...its SUCH a cool picture of daniel, who wanted an answer and knew it was coming so he prayed..and fasted...and stayed expectant - and 3 WEEKS later an angel shows up and appears to him with his answer...and he tells him that as soon as he started praying, he was heard and an answer was given and he was trying to get to him - but he was stuck in a battle with the Prince of Persia and so Michael had to come help and finally he made it out and got the answer to Daniel. CRAZY stuff. but SO cool. and just an amazing example of why it is so so so important to stay steadfast, pray with expectancy, and to not ever give up ! keep fighting! love it.

we also worked on the drama we started last week...we're teaching this team the set me free drama too...and even though the song is in english, i think the point will get across. :) such a cool picture.

and we spent some time going over rules and the "business" stuff. thanks Marco! :)
we also found out that we will now be leaving on the 12th! not the 13th! crazy. but plane tickets were cheaper and so yeah. haha...the surprises just keep on coming. bring it on! God's got this.

we also spent some time working on scripts...spanish scripts for some of the short dramas we'll be using for ministry. so fun. so pray that we'll all be able to learn spanish and get the messages that we want to get across out to the people.

also - most likely this weekend we will be working on scripts for the Project: Hosea - recording them in SPANISH! yay! thank you so much to Luke Erickson and friends.......so amazing! so we'll be able to use that down there if we need to.

im really in a good mood right now...i think that the hard times are so hard, but when they start to pass you just appreciate the joy SO much more! i feel like i have been learning and been being tested and formed and its been a really great time of learning what it means to be faithful. and learning what it means to follow His call...even when it doesnt make sense or when its not what people necessarily want or understand or when its hard and tiring and confusing. i wouldnt say its a super fun lesson to learn...haha...but definitely a good one.

i have no idea what God will do once we actually get on the plane and get to where we are going...but what i do know is that God has done one crazy, seemingly impossible thing after another...and i have felt SO many times that whatever we're about to do - probably wont happen...but then it does. and He makes it work, and He reminds us that its not us...but Him. and its absolutely beautiful to watch.

please keep us in your prayers!!!!!!! this battle is not even close to over, we need to stay alert and pay attention to what the enemy is doing.
J'son (an amazing christian rapper) has a song and lyrics that i love but he says this...

"dont get knocked out...you better know what your enemy bringin'
its a lifelong fight, the only way you live is if yo' lifes not ya own..."

and all i can say is AMEN to that.
we have practice on saturday morning :) pray that it goes well and we get SOOOOO much done and we can all just be excited about the ministry you are preparing us for!

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