a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Sunday, May 2, 2010

one step closer...

i am just in AWE of God right now. i know i say that a lot...but its just hitting me at a WHOLE new level lately - how amazing He is.
thursday meeting was great...we taught the team one more drama for kids. so fun. its a short drama about how each one of us is a very important part of God's body. and how the body doesn't work unless we ALL do our own specific part.
very cute...and very cool message.
the kids did a great job...its cool to see how the team works with these because we have never played with kid's dramas before...so its a whole different side to the personalities and its cool to see some of them just really come alive in this type of ministry. so i am really excited to see how it all plays out when we are in Mexico.
we also started teaching a drama that God put on my heart like 2 years ago - and is just finishing up now. and i have showed it to sarah and its just really cool how God totally works on His own time with His own creativity...and it has a really cool message.
its a picture of how we do all these sins, have all these things that we know are wrong and are ashamed of...but Jesus came and He took the sins. and it feels so good to be free of them - but then to watch as Jesus wears them instead of us. to think of Him on trial, taking the blame for ALL of the shameful things that WE have done...and then watching Him die for them. its a tough thing to look at, but He doesnt wear them forever. He took them and died for them...and then conquered death. He rose, and now He calls us. He says - all that is gone...you dont have to be weighed down any more...here is your chance to truly be free...just come to me. follow me. love me.
it could be a powerful drama...so we are just praying that God will show us exactly how to make it all work so that His message will be heard.

we also split up into small groups to discuss our books - the worshiping artist.
and it really is such a cool thing to work through right now...learning how to worship privately - just us and God. and how that in turn affects how we worship God in every aspect of our lives, and then how it affects our time of worshipping with the rest of the body on sundays or whenever.
one of my favorite parts is when he talks about how if everyone of us spent time in private worship. just spending consistent, quality time with God every day of the week - what would it be like to come together on sunday morning to worship as a body? what would the worship leader have to do? maybe nothing! if we all spent time worshiping God all week, and then came together - maybe we wouldn't even need a worship leader. maybe we would just all be so stirred up, so ready to celebrate together, that we just would. we would all just respond to God in whatever way He moves through us...and we would worship.
powerful thing to think about...and really it motivates me to spend more time doing it. i have been doing a lot better...but i could spend SO much more time just praising Him.
keep the team in prayer as God keeps working and moving things around and please pray that He will make our calling clear. that we will hear Him and be led by Him - no matter where we are going or who we are going with.
its all Him...it has to be. and i think that through all this - He is getting us to a place where we can KNOW that He is in charge. that we can KNOW that this trip is Him...however it ends up looking. but i will say - i am SO GRATEFUL that He has given me that assurance...and i pray that He keeps doing it and keeps speaking. He has a plan...and i am so excited to be a part of it.

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