a team of young people learning what it means to have gifts from God to use for His glory…and how powerful they are when we step back and let Him use them…

Friday, May 14, 2010


the process of this trip has been a roller coaster - to say the least. i have learned more about God and trust and faith and so much else...and were still a month away from even leaving! crazy.
and right now...i am feeling so angry at satan. this is new for me...i have been annoyed and frustrated and tired, but never just straight up angry.

i will say that i just wrote a LONG blog...getting my heart out, praying against satan and all of his ruthless attempts to get to our team...and i published it...and it disappeared.
that has never happened.

so since its now 3 am and i am waking up in a few hours - i leave with this for now...

God will see His plan to the end.
i declare right now that God is God and He has the victory.
satan can try and try and try...but he cannot win if we dont let him.

its been a TOUGH week, but thats all it is, just a tough time. its not over.

i pray that we allow God to refine us thorughly and completely and truly seek His plan for us, seek to hear HIS calling for us...no matter what it is.

and that satan is silenced.

pray pray pray...this is warfare, and we cannot stop fighting.

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